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Student Life
Life @ SC

Weekend and Special Activities

Throughout the year, 学校组织各种活动——在魁北克通常被称为“动画”——从购物旅行、看电影到三对三篮球比赛和舞蹈. There's always something to do. 体育菠菜大平台每年也会举办一些特别的活动, including the annual Winter Carnival, lip synch contest, theatrical productions and variety shows.
全校园宿舍联赛将学校分成四个队,在一些体育项目上竞争联赛冠军. 这在春末达到高潮,全天的一系列户外活动.

  • Dances
  • Shopping trips
  • In-house and theatrical movies
  • Winter Carnival
  • Café Cappuccino — a musical coffee house
  • A walk through a "haunted" corn maze
  • Laser tag
  • Friendly basketball and soccer tournaments
  • Horseback riding
  • Trips to La Ronde amusement park
  • Ski trips
  • Tubing
  • Bowling
  • Lip-sync contest
Click on the calendar 了解即将发生的事件和活动.